[Lesson 3] 4. Diploid consonant, the 2nd [].

Diploid consonant has two groups, without a final consonant and with a final consonant.

1. In the case without a final consonant.
Sample word Pronunciation Meaning
[gun-chieng] oar
[bun-joo] to put into
[mun-yard] etiquette
[sun] to choose

2. In the case with a final consonant.
Sample word Pronunciation Meaning
[gum-ma-garn] member of committee
[tum-ma-dah] usual
[pun] color
[sup-pa-koogn] properties, qualities

  1. In the case without final consonant.
    is pronounced

  2. In the case with a final consonant.
    A final consonant of syllable changes according to a final consonant.
    And a word is more than two syllables, a final consonant + is added between syllable and syllable.
    • In the case of + two syllables
      A final consonant changes from [n[ to [m].
      And a word is two syllables, so it is pronounced [um-ma].

    • In the case of
      A word is a single syllable and a final consonant is pronounced [n].
      So it is pronounced [un].

    • In the case of + two syllables
      A final consonant changes from [n[ to [p].
      And a word is two syllables, so it is pronounced [up-pa].

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